
Symantec DLP solutions: A simple way to drive total protection of your sensitive data

Accutech Team


Data protection was always challenging, demanding, and necessary for all organizations. The issue, though, is that problems keep arising as needs and musts increase. One significant challenge, in today’s world is that more and more companies are moving their data to cloud environments which can create difficulties in security. Data now are more vulnerable and exposed to inexperienced cloud users and configuration errors. Another one, is the increasing rate of targeted cyber-attacks with cybercriminals finding their ways around traditional data security.

What is our solution?

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The highest level of protection – the Symantec DLP solution which delivers comprehensive discovery, monitoring, and protection competences. Thus, you will be able to:

  • Know where your data lives, whether it is cloud, email, web, endpoints, or storage
  • Monitor your data on and off the corporate network
  • Shield your data in real time

These 3 key important aspects are applicable in a variety of channels where crises may occur.

From which channels crises may arise and how our DLP solutions can avoid them?

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Nowadays, with remote work company data are more vulnerable than ever. Employees can work from wherever they are and keep working as well on the go. This creates a huge need for endpoint protection. With Symantec DLP solution, a single endpoint agent can discover and prevent attacks. How it works? This solution scans local hard drives, provides sensitive files visibility, and presents responses, such as identity-based encryption. If something appears to be wrong, an alert in the form of an email or a pop-up can inform the user.


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Another data leak can come from risky employee behavior in combination with having companies keep taking on board collaboration tools and cloud apps. DLP allows a wide range of communication protocols across the business’s network. The uniqueness of this solution is that all network communications will go under deep content inspection with zero packet loss. This is achieved because the deployment is enabled at network egress points and integrated with the network tap. Therefore, all sensitive data are protected from users in relation to emails and web leakage.


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To continue, as mentioned above cloud environments can be risky to data protection – Symantec DLP solution provides strong data protection controls to the cloud. Specifically, a significant number of organizations move legacy IT application to public cloud environments, this does not give the same visibility and control level of data as to private servers. Again, the three capabilities mentioned above (i.e. discovery, monitoring, and protection) are applied to cloud (and on-premises). The solution enables content inspection from cloud apps and web traffic and automatically enforces sensitive data policies.


Manage with a single point of view


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Having your data distributed in many devices and storage environments, stating and enforcing policies can be very demanding and challenging. With Symantec DLP a unified management console is on the table enabling the user to write and apply these policies in all channels. Meaning, usage of: a single web-based console, more than 70 pre-built policy templates (and accessibility of policy builder), workflow capabilities, analytics tools for risk reduction, and many more.

All in all, Accutech with Symantec DLP solution services can help extend your data security and discover, monitor, and protect them holistically and resourcefully.


For more information and if you need to obtain the white papers and datasheets, please send us an email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  with your contact details.

We will send you what you need to know and arrange a one-on-one discussion with an Accutech expert to learn how this works!